Academic Journal of the Middle East is a bi-lingual (Turkish/English) semi-annual, peer-reviewed international journal. Articles sent to the journal should be original and not be published previously. Articles are published following the review board’s decision. All rights of the articles belong to The Academic Journal of the Middle East.
Academic Journal of the Middle East is not bound with the ideas presented by the authors in featured articles.
Articles should contain minimum 4000 and maximum 9000 words including the footnotes. Case studies should contain minimum 2000 and maximum 4000 words. Book reviews should contain minimum 750 and maximum 2000 words. Articles should have titles and a summary section in both Turkish and English of minimum 150 words. A maximum of 5 key words should also be included in the summaries in both Turkish and English.
The title of the article should be in capital letters and in bold; sub sections in lowercase. The name/s of the authors should be below the title aligned to the right. The titles of authors should be included on the first page with an asterisc (*) to the footnotes. Sub section titles can contain a maximum of two lines. Sub sections should be bold and lowercase; sections within the sub-sections should be lowercase and italic.
Articles should be typed on Windows 2007 or newer Microsoft Office Word programs in A4 format, Times New Roman character, in 11 font size and 1,5 paragraph spacing. Footnones should be typed in 10 font size with single space.
Works cited should be listed at the end of the article arranged in title order and alphabetical order, last names in italic, in 10 font size and single spaced.
Authors are encourged to forward their articled to Mehmet Şahin ( or info@akademikortadogu) together with their address, telephone, e-mail and fax information.